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Dear guests of Zaryadye Park! You can purchase tickets without pre-registration on the second page of the park

 Virtual Tours of Zaryadye Exhibitions

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Since the beginning of 2020, Zaryadye has hosted 12 exhibitions. Now some of them are available online as virtual tours, the collection of which will be constantly updated. Exhibition projects represent art of different eras and styles in cooperation with Russian and foreign museums, art funds, as well as private collectors and artists.

“Avant-Garde. Three Figures”

The exhibition is dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art. The central works: work “Self-portrait” (Kazimir Malevich), “Woman with a Fish” (Alexandra Exter), “Worker” (Vladimir Stenberg). Archival photos and videos in the are focused on the iconic figures of the Russian Avant-Garde. 
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#three_Konstantin Khudyakov

Konstantin Khudyakov is one of the first artists who combined art and digital technologies in Russia. The exposition demonstrates stereo-light panels: “The Angel Has Arrived”, “The Golden Dragonfly” and “The Last Supper”; the project “Light Nature of Woman” and the artist’s computer animation from the cycle “Did Not Expect”.  
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#three_Ilya Glazunov 

The exhibition is timed to the 90th anniversary of the artist's birth. The central paintings “Dostoevsky. Night”, “The Legend of Tsarevich Dimitri” and “Ivan the Terrible” reflect the main themes in Glazunov's work – the tragic moments of Russian history and the world of spiritual pursuits of Dostoevsky.
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“Faces of War” 

The exhibition is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Victory. In the center of the exposition – three paintings by the master of the “severe style” Igor Obrosov: “Moscow. Seeing off the Echelons”, “Evacuation” and “Frontiers outside Moscow”. The exposition includes videos with actors from Dmitry Brusnikin Workshop: Kirill Odoevsky, Andrei Gordin and Eva Milgram who read modern poetry about the Great Patriotic War.  
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“Actual Russia: the Art of Memory” 

50 Russian artists reveal the art of memory theme in a common immersive environment. The exhibition represents works by Valera and Natasha Cherkashin, Julia Malinina, Roman Kazus and many others.
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The exhibition is dedicated to the project “Actual Russia” nominated for the 1 Moscow Art Prize. Central works: “Digital Reality” by Anastasia Kopittseva, “From the series “Predawn” by Alexey Beliayev-Guintovt, “Panda Bears” by Igor Pestov. The exhibition also features video works “The Flight” by Valentin Korzhov, “Into the Broadcasting Signal” by Hare Charas and “In Broken Languages” by Eduard Kulemin.
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Exhibition of works by the nominees and winners of the 1 Moscow Art Prize 

The virtual tour introduces contemporary art projects presented in the pavilions and in the park in the autumn of 2020. There are works by Yan Ginzburg, Taus Makhacheva, Yevgeny Antufiev, Pavel Otdelnov, Alexey Martins, Igor Samolet, Igor Shelkovsky and other artists who have been nominated and won the 1 Moscow Art Prize.
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The exposition includes works by Recycle Group, crocodilePOWER, Aristarkh Chernyshev, Kaikhan Salakhov, Andrey Smirnov and Ekaterina Trubina, Varvara Kuzmina, Anna Krasnaya, Danila Tkachenko, Yanina Boldyreva. Next to them there are busts of Soviet space heroes created in the last century by sculptors Ariadna Arendt, Lev Kerbel, Boris Talberg, Lev Matyushin, Andrei Faydysh-Krandievsky and Anatoly Grigoriev. A special place in the exposition is devoted to the videos by popular TikTok bloggers, including Kate Brush, Treysi Max, Nikita Morozov Perfe. For the first time they are not spectators, but authors of artistic expression sharing the same scene with artists. During the tour you will also see the sculpture “Valentina” by Yuri Neroda dedicated to the first woman-cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, fragments of documentary chronicles and a "video" of Yuri Gagarin’s flight.
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